The staff made it possible for this site to work out.
Always thank them whenever you have the chance.
Why thank the staff?
- The staff work endless nights sometimes trying to solve your problems.
- Without them, powerpets wouldn't be here.
- They work really hard trying to make the site a fun and safe place
for kids and adults.
- Where would you spend your extra time when you're not cleaning house, or doing laundry, or watching
TV without them?
- They don't sleep until all of the bugs and problems are fixed. Sometimes they don't sleep at
Now I hope you see why the staff are very important.
Who are the staff?
Sweetfire, TheMetal, Kabby, Russbabe, Huntress, Sabertooth, Talison, Angelic, and Tink.
Sweetfire Stuffy:
TheMetal Stuffy:
Kabby Stuffy:
Russbabe Stuffy:
Huntress Stuffy:
Sabertooth Stuffy:
Talison Stuffy:

Angelic Stuffy:

Tink Stuffy:
What are the staff like?
Sweetfire- Very sweet, can get serious sometimes though. She can usually be found
on the boards in the evening.
TheMetal- Silly, but serious too. Like Sweetfire, he can usually be found solving
problems on player problem board, or just having fun on the general community board.
Russbabe- Makes a lot of the animated avatars for the boards. I need to make
one thing clear though, she hates tuna. She can be found lurking the boards sometimes.
Huntress- Tells a lot of funny jokes on the boards. She's very nice and helpful. She
is a great staff.
Sabertooth- Sweet and fun. She's really nice. She can also be found lurking the boards
Talison- A great and helpful person. She solves many problems on the player problem
board too.
Kabby- A very helpful staff. A good problem solver as well. She can often be found
solving fights and problems on the player problem board.
Angelic- Sweet and true as her name is. She is very angelic, and never
tells a lie.
Tink- Great problem solver. kind and helpful. She helps on the boards all the
That was my Dictionary of powerpets staff :) I hope you enjoyed it!