How To Update A Profile
Click the blue smile at the top of the screen, then click Edit User Profile. After that, used
these tips to create your profile :)
Making a profile is pretty easy. If you want your words to
be a certain color, like aqua you would do this: <font color="aqua">If you want your font to be a certain
size you do this: <font size="7"> or whatever size you want it to be.
If you want words scrolling across the page do this: <marquee>
and at the end of what you want scrolling do this :</marquee>
If you want an alternate marquee, do this: <marquee behavior=
alternate> and this is what it does:
To make something a different color, do this: <font color="red">
or whatever other color you want it to be! :) Here is a list of a few colors that work with this code:
- red
- blue
- orange
- yellow
- purple
- green
- gold
- white
- gray
- silver
- pink
- aqua
If you have any questions about how I did my profile, pmail me!
If you type in <marquee> look what it does:
If you type in <font color="aqua"> look what it does:
Woa.... O.O Blue!
If you type in <font face="verdana"> look what it does:
Nice font! :P
If you want to make something bold, just do this: <b>
If you want to make something italic, just do this: <i>
If you want to underline something, just do this: <u>
This is what happens if you do this <b>:
:) Look!
This is what it looks like when you do this <i>:
Woa! :-D
This is what it looks like when you do this: <u>
:) see? I'm underlined 
HTML is very easy! It sometimes seems hard at first, but soon you'll get the hang of it :)
I hope you have a wonderful time working on your profile! It's always fun to experiment a little!
Click-Here to log in edit your profile before you forget this information.
And thats the end of HTML :) | |