You can get the Sapphire Stone by doing a cycle. (300 jobs)
You can get the Light Stone when you're elite, with 5 PTT's. (Power Temple Tokens)
You can get the Night Stone by conquering South Lake.
Kind Of Stone | Looks Like |
Sapphire Stone - 
Stone -

Night Stone - 
Rickshaw Driver And Puzzles |
The Rickshaw Driver is in East New Barkston. He Puts Together Puzzles
and gives you Items in return.
The Bark Puzzle Gets you 150-300 KangaBucks.
The Sticky Puzzle Gets you a Power Temple Token.
The Evolutions Puzzle Gets you an Evolutions Egg |
Becoming elite is difficult for most people. It took me 5 months to become elite, but with this guide,
I know you'll be faster than me! :)
- Do jobs whenever you get a Job Agency Power Card! This was hard for me at first because I sold
every card I got, and when I was 3 months into the game, I had only done one job! Sure, I had a lot of money, but almost no
powerbucks. So I thought to myself, "Something is very wrong here." I started to do jobs whenever I got the chance, and it
paid off. In 3 more months I was elite.
- Do the same thing with armor as I told you to do with jobs. It really pays off to work hard. Sometimes
it means spending money, but it's worth it in the end.
- Reading the Elder Scrolls is easy. It's easiest for most people to buy them all at once in one swap.
They cost about 45k-70k altogether. After you save enough money, you can buy them. Put them in your bookshelf. Read and rate
them all too. Don't forget to rate them, because if you don't, it doesn't count.
- Voting in the poll booth takes nothing but your opinion. You go to the poll booth in Xiang Chung-Shi,
click on a question, and vote.
- Getting your shop size to 100 is easy, though it takes about 3,000 once you save up enough money just
click edit by the shop that you want to extend the size on and click where it says "Click Here" in the blue.
- Hatching a mini was tough for me. Buying a egg costs a lot of money, but buying the full puzzle is
even more costly. If you want to collect the entire evolutions puzzle, and give it to the rickshaw driver, go for it.
As soon as you get an egg, put it in the evolutions building in East New Barkston. Make sure you have 5-8 days available to
check on your egg. Check on it every day.
I hope that helps you become elite!
So, you're elite, and have about 500k.. what are you going to do now?
Well, lets take a look at your options :)
You can:
- Try to write a book
- Try to Get the Light Stone
- Try to get on the top restocker's list
- Try to get the Sapphire Stone
- Make is a goal to conquer South Lake By: Your Goal Date Here
- Or, anything!
You have a pretty open book here, choose a few, and work hard on them. Make a goal date for when you
want to accomplish it. I know, those are all pretty hard to do, but I know for a fact that you can do anything if you
set your mind to it!
Here is a guide to doing all of those things!
- Writing a book is pretty hard. I haven't even written one myself. It takes talent, and patients. If
at first you don't succeed, keep trying until you get it. You get 5 powerbucks for every book you sell in bookstores. The
Writer's Corner hasn't opened again yet, but it will be sometime soon. Happy Writing!
- Getting the Light Stone takes 5 power temple tokens, It is extra hard to get because the prices are
so high. If you have 1 million powerbucks. you can buy about 2 if you want to have some money left over. However, if you have
2 million, you can buy 5 power temple tokens right off the bat. But when I was trying to get mine, I had to work my tail off.
The chances are that you don't have much more than 700k, and you want it really badly. This takes patients, and super hard
work. But you can do it..
- Getting on the top restocker's list takes a lot of work. You have to buy the items from the power
mall that have to have a code to buy it. You need to buy a lot of items like that to get on the list. This takes loads of
patients. But if you work as hard as you can, you'll do it! :)
- Getting the Sapphire Stone is pretty hard. I haven't gotten it yet. But I do know that you can do
it if you believe. 30 jobs is really hard to get to. If you do 3 jobs a day, you can do it in no time. Every job you
do must be 3 hours apart. It depends how much you're on powerpets. Just try as hard as yuou can.
- Conquering South Lake is really tough. It took me about 6 months. Here are some tips for diving.
- Blue sharks move up or down then over -gray sharks move over then up or down -it may help if
you draw maps of the sections as you go so you know where you are -any parts of the map that have only one entrance are
dead ends; go back and try a different door -the blue swirly things hurt you, they get you stuck but the sharks can move
through them, unlike rocks; they also mean that you are getting closer to the treasure - SOUTH lake *notice the part in
caps* ;-) - the space bar is your friend - If you get frustrated and feel like your going to blow up, take a break from
it and go eat something or use the bathroom. Then come back in 10-15 minutes and keep on trying! Every Room Has a Way out!
I hope that you have a great time accomplishing your goals! If you need any other help, my Inbox is
always open! :) | |