What's Going On this Week?
Well here's the scoop!
(please excuse me for the jumble of pages. It will
be organized soon)
1. I'll be trying to get PR into featured sites,
which means that I will be working my tail off for the next month or so. 
2. I'll be adding a guide to galleries soon. It will
be after I finish most of the site though. Update! The guide is almost finished.
3. I will add information about the new stone
in a little while.
4. I will try to make the site more colorful/informational/easy
to navigate.
I made a guide to taking care of pets on 2/12/05. I hope it helps you!
I'm almost done with the collections guide, however, the site will be down this weekend while I make more
updates to the site. As you can see, this is taking a bit longer than I thought, so bare with me. :P