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Here is a guide to quests.

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Secret Room Quest:

There is a secret room somewhere in North New Barkston. (Hint, the Library) If you are nice to him, then he will give you a chance. If you prove yourself worthy, he gives you New Barkston  healthpedias and petpedias. You have no time limit and can visit him every 6 hours.

Here are the books that the Librarian will give you:
Petpedia - Holland Lop
Petpedia - Bulldog
Petpedia - Kuvasz
Petpedia - Collie
Petpedia - Somali
Petpedia - Maine Coon
Petpedia - Samoyed
Petpedia - Ferret
Petpedia - Red Fox
Petpedia - English Sheepdog
Petpedia - Labrador Retriever
Healthpedia - Cat
Healthpedia - Dog
Healthpedia - Rabbit
Healthpedia - Wild Canine
Healthpedia - Mustelidae

Dark Guardian:
Somewhere in North New Barkston, there is a person named the Dark Guardian. There are myths of him being a very mean man. However, this can be true, but in most cases, he's nice. He hands out the puzzle pieces you will need to get evolutions eggs from the rickshaw driver. They are the evolutions puzzle peices. If you answer is question right, he will give you one. There is no time limit to this quest. You can visit the Dark Guardian every 6 hours. Here are the books you need to do this quest:
Petpedia - Holland Lop
Petpedia - English Sheepdog
Petpedia - Kuvasz
Petpedia - Collie
Petpedia - Maine Coon
Petpedia - Somali
Petpedia - Samoyed
Petpedia - Red Fox
Petpedia - Ferret
Petpedia - Bulldog
Petpedia - Labrador Retriever
Xiang Zoo:
The Zookeeper is in Xiang Chung-Shi and is a very busy man, taking care of all the animals. When he's not busy looking after the zoo and it's inhabitants, he likes to share what he knows about animals with those who are truly interested. If you fetch him what he asks for, he will reward you with one of his very informational Petpedias and Healthpedias about the animals. You can visit the Zookeeper once every 6 hours. There is no time limit to finish the quest.

Here are the books that the Zookeeper will give you:
Petpedia - Koala
Healthpedia - Wild Cats
Healthpedia - Bovine
Healthpedia - Birds
Healthpedia - Apes
Healthpedia - Bear
Healthpedia - Elephant
Healthpedia - Otariidae
Healthpedia - Marsupial
Healthpedia - Equine
Healthpedia - Chelonia
Healthpedia - Crocodylidae
Healthpedia - Monotremata 
Petpedia - Tibetan Yak
Petpedia - Japanese Crane
Petpedia - Wolverine
Petpedia - Gibbon
Petpedia - Loris
Petpedia - Panda
Petpedia - Leopard
Petpedia - Orangutan
Petpedia - Siberian Tiger
Petpedia - Indicus
Petpedia - Brown Bear
Petpedia - Mastiff
Petpedia - Australian Pony
Petpedia - Crocodile
Petpedia - Kangaroo
Petpedia - Koala
Petpedia - Fur Seal
Petpedia - Platypus
Petpedia - Snake Necked Turtle
Petpedia - Dingo

Sheep Herder:
The Sheep Herder herds his sheep every day. While he herds all his sheep he finds fascenating plants in the mountains in Kimberroo. If you want to see these plants you are going to have to give him gifts.To prove that you are good enough to get his plants, he will also ask you a question about an animal in Kimberroo. You can visit the Sheep Herder once every 6 hours and there is no time limit to finish the quest. In order to do his quests you need the following books:

Petpedia - Australian Pony
Petpedia - Crocodile
Petpedia - Kangaroo
Petpedia - Koala
Petpedia - Fur Seal
Petpedia - Platypus
Petpedia - Snake Necked Turtle
Petpedia - Dingo
Healthpedia - Otariidae
Healthpedia - Marsupial
Healthpedia - Equine
Healthpedia - Chelonia
Healthpedia - Crocodylidae
Healthpedia - Monotremata
You will get these items:
Gekkies Greed:
Gekkie is wanting his battle skills to be just right. If you bring back the items that Gekkie wants, and the correst answer to his question from a Healthpedia, he will give you a Sticky Puzzle Piece. This is an advanced player quest, since Gekkie will ask for weapons, which can be very expensive. You can do Gekkie's Quest every 3 hours. There is no time limit to complete his quest. If you give him the items that he asked for, but give the wrong answer to his question, he will only give you a Piece of Firewood.

You need these Healthpedias to do this quest:
HealthPedia - Wild Cats
HealthPedia - Elephant
HealthPedia - Birds
HealthPedia - Bovine
Healthpedia - Rabbit
Healthpedia - Dog
Healthpedia - Mustelidae
Healthpedia - Cat
Healthpedia - Wild Canine
HealthPedia - Bear
HealthPedia - Apes

Grandpa Gekkie:
Grandpa Gekkie can be found inside the Power Temple. If you seek for wisdom, he will ask you to bring back items like food, toys, and weapons. The cost of the items he wants can range from inexpensive to very expensive. If you bring him back the items he asks for, Grandpa will give you an Elder Scroll. You can visit Grandpa Gekkie every 6 hours. There is no time limit.
Creepy Caves: 
 Archeologist Bungee loves to explore the caves. He will take you on a tour of the Caves if you bring him the items that he requires and answer his question about a published PP book. He might ask for foods, toys, books, or weapons, and if you don't own the book he asks about, you'll need to purchase that as well. Take as long as you need to bring everything back. During your tour of the Caves, you'll get a Bark Puzzle Piece. It can be a very expensive quest if you don't already have the items that he's interested in. However, if you do and give the wrong answer, he'll take your items and you'll lose out on the Puzzle Piece. You can ask Bungee for a tour every 2 hours.
Tea Ceremony Quest:
If you ever have had a Tea Ceremony Invitation then you can take it to the Tea Ceremony. You will then have to find the Tea Lady. If you are lucky you might get something rare out of it. You will have 2 hours to complete the quest.

Kyla's Expedition:
Do you think you know everything about powerpets? Well, now is the time to test your skills. In this quest, you will encounter many questions and difficulties along the way. You must answer 10 questions all about powerpets and it's inhabitants. You will find that it's not as easy as some people may think, because you have to visit these 10 people in the right order. You have no time limit in this quest, and can do it once a week.

 The quest might seem easy at first, it is an advanced quest because of the duration and inclining cost as the quest goes on. People participating in this quest need to have a sturdy bank account, and be willing to spend a few (maybe a lot)in short notice.

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